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6:1 — Sergei Ryabov, 2018

A girl and a cat are on a train, playing draughts. The girl is reading a book at the same time and seems hardly interested in the game, while the cat concentrates fiercely on every move. Can the cat win against a more skilled opponent?

A lovely short stop-motion animation, ideal for younger pupils.

Classroom Activities

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  • Before watching, consider the title. What does this mean? What kind of story might this be?
  • Listen to the film without watching it. What can pupils tell about the story, setting and characters from the sounds they hear?
  • The film maker uses many medium shots and extreme close-ups. How do these help to tell the story?
  • Consider the role of the setting: how does this affect the story?
  • How do the music and other sound effects help to tell the story?
  • Why does it go dark at 1m 38 sec? Is this in any way symbolic?
  • How does the attitude of the little girl change in the story?


  • In this film, the cat is cast in the role of the underdog, who wins the game against the odds. Compare this film with other underdog stories (e.g. ‘The Mighty Ducks’, ‘Cool Runnings’, ‘Remember the Titans’ etc.). What would be the genre markers of this type of film? How does this film compare with the others? What are the similarities and differences?
  • Consider fairness. Is it cheating if the cat only won because the pieces moved with the movement of the train? Or does it serve the girl right for not taking the game seriously? Is it ever okay to cheat?



  • Write an underdog story of winning against the odds.
  • Write a diary extract from the point of view of either character.
  • Write thought bubbles for the cat as he thinks through the game, paying attention to body language and how the cat is feeling.
  • Learn to play draughts and write a set of instructions.
  • Write a newspaper report of the cat’s unexpected victory, including a quote from the defeated opponent.
  • Discursive writing: which is better, board games or computer games?


  • Watch examples of trailers for underdog stories and consider the persuasive techniques used. Apply these to script/storyboard a trailer for this film.


  • Make a draughts board from paper and card. A grid with squares 3cm x 3cm will fit on A3 paper, with draughts pieces of 14mm radius. Pupils can draw crowns on the reverse of their circles to indicate the ‘king’ pieces. Older children can measure and draw out the board and circles: younger children can use a template. As an extension, pupils can apply their knowledge of nets to design and create a box for their game, and include written instructions, and marketing materials.


  • Find out about the history of draughts. Explore other similar board games from across the world. Consider how games have changed over history.

Clip Details

Year of Production 2018
Genre Comedy, Stop-Motion
Curriculum Areas Modern Languages, Literacy and English
Director Sergei Ryabov
Country of Origin Russia
Medium / Content 3D Animation, Colour, Sound
Themes Feelings, Relationships, Culture / Society, Intolerance / Misconceptions, Communication
Clip Length 02:53
Clip Length 02:53
Age Group P1-P4, P5-P7